Monday, December 13, 2010

Interactive Handwriting Program

PointScribe Interactive Handwriting Software
While at Closing the Gap I was able to see the handwriting training program, PointScribe in action. Since returning I have been running a demo version to explore it in more detail. This program is for use on a touch screen with or even without a stylus. Ideally, you will want to use a stylus to replicate pencil and paper writing. However, some users with fine motor issues can benefit from using their finger or other type of device (e.g. pointer, wiffle ball, etc.). The important thing is that the user is working on the movements of writing so they can transfer the motor movements eventually to pencil and paper.
Here are the features of the program that I really like:
-          Built-in letter shape libraries (block upper, block lower, numbers, pre-writing shapes)
-          Customizable libraries (letters, words, characters, mazes, etc.)
-          Track Data with the built-in reporting and data management system for IEP goals, progress reporting , discrete trial training, etc.
-          Customizable colors, themes, and music

You can download a 30-day free trial, watch videos, and read research and testimonials at:

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